<aside> 🤙 Creating your free culinary experience listings on KitchenWith is quick and simple!


Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign up: Visit our website KitchenWith.com and click on the "Sign Up" button. Fill in your details to create your host account.

  2. Contact Information: ****Complete this form to send all the necessary details to be a certified host and showcase your services at KitchenWith.

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  3. Profile Setup: Complete your profile by adding a professional profile picture and writing a brief introduction about yourself and your culinary expertise.


  4. Experience Details: Click on "New listing" and provide a catchy title for your culinary experience. Describe the unique aspects of your experience, including the types of dishes, ingredients, and techniques involved. Be sure to highlight any special features or cultural insights you offer.

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3.1. Add Photos: Showcase your culinary creations by uploading high-quality photos that capture the essence of your experience. Images play a crucial role in attracting guests, so make them mouth-watering!

3.2. Pricing and Availability: Set your desired pricing and availability for your culinary experience. Specify the duration, maximum group size, and any additional details or requirements.

3.3. Host Policies: Define your host policies, such as cancellation policy, dietary restrictions, and any other important information you want to communicate to your potential guests.

3.4. Publish and Promote: Once you are satisfied with your listing, click on "Publish" to make it live on our platform. Share your listing on your social media channels and among your network to maximize its visibility.

  1. Respond to Inquiries: As soon as you start receiving inquiries or booking requests, be prompt and professional in your communication with potential guests. Answer any questions they may have and provide them with the information they need to make a booking.

📌 Remember, our support team is always here to assist you throughout the process. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need any guidance or have any questions. Just click Contact Us and we’ll be there in less than 1H!

Start sharing your culinary passion with the world on KitchenWith and create unforgettable experiences for our global community of food enthusiasts!

Happy hosting 🙌

The KitchenWith Crew

by completing this Contact Form

by completing this Contact Form